Training Tip Tuesday: Ask a better question, get a better answer
A week ago, we introduced the concept of Powerful Questions to our readers and provided a training tip. Did you notice any difference in the ways others responded to you and your understanding of the conversations you had?
The only path to mastery is deliberate and consistent practice outside of your comfort zone until the new skill moves into your comfort zone.
Today we challenge you to ask more questions and to vary the types of questions you are using. It is common to actually offer a solution in the question..but that is not the objective you are seeking in a Powerful Question. You are asking questions to gain a better understanding of a situation, a problem, or a concern. This is not the time for solutions--that comes later!
Practice something new today.
Focus on including questions like these in your conversations:
What are the pros and cons of taking that action?
Please tell me what you mean by…
What was important to you when you decided to take that action?
How did you come to the conclusion that …?
What can you do? What do you need from others?
Can you tell me more about …?
And before this workout today...don’t forget to LISTEN!
Join us Thursday LIVE @ The Gym on LinkedIn to work out your communication muscles!